Stephan Maus

REPLYING TO SPAM MAIL: My penpalship with Ayesha Gaddafi

Dangerous Liaisons

In February 2019, I received a spam-mail. Sender: Mrs. Ayesha al-Gaddafi, daughter of Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi. Mrs. Gaddafi wrote that she needed an investment-partner for her fortune of 27.5 million dollars. I couldn’t resist. I invented a doppelgänger, Kevin Sam Blumfeld, created an email-account on his name and answered Mrs. Gaddafi’s mail. This was the beginning of a deeply moved penpalship.

Ayesha tries to get money from Kevin. Kevin falls in love with Ayesha, asks her to send him erotic pictures, involves her into a shady business with blood-diamonds and finally asks her in marriage.

Ayesha wants Kevin’s money. Kevin wants her heart - and then her money.

Read the full story of our scam-romance on the

On this page, you’ll find the complete mail-exchange - an epistolary novel about wire wire, magas and mugus, spam and spammers, scam and scammers, 419 fraud, yahoo-boys, sakawa-boys, yahoo-yahoo and yahoo-plus.


Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2019, 17:30
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Undisclosed Recipient

Dear I Need An Investment Partner

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Dear Friend,

I came across your e-mail contact prior a private search while in need of your assistance. I am Aisha Al-Qaddafi, the only biological Daughter of Former President of Libya Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi. Am a single Mother and a Widow with three Children.

I have investment funds worth Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollar ($27.500.000.00 ) and i need a trusted investment Manager/Partner because of my current refugee status, however, I am interested in you for investment project assistance in your country, may be from there, we can build business relationship in the nearest future.

I am willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you base on the future investment earning profits.

If you are willing to handle this project on my behalf kindly reply urgent to enable me provide you more information about the investment funds. PLEASE REPLY ME THROUGH THIS EMAIL

Your Urgent Reply Will Be Appreciated

Best Regards
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2019, 18:09
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Re: Dear I Need An Investment Partner

Dear Aisha!

Thank you for your message! Your proposal sounds very interesting. Where do you live right now?

All the best from Germany,

Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2019, 07:03
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

More details for the investment project/Reply

Hello Dear Partner,

I acknowledge with a big thanks receipt of your message and appreciate your willingness accepting to handle this investment project. I am willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you base on the future investment earning profits. I am also willing to compensate you with 30% of the total funds($27.500.000.00 million US Dollar) after the investment funds are transfer to you in order to proceed the execution of the investment project. After the investment projects have been successfully established under your management,  the 70% of the investment future profit shall be apportioned to me while the 30% investment future profit shall be apportioned to you for your assistance for managing the investment on my behalf.

I will sincerely assure you that this project is legal and legit and you are dealing with a woman of high personality, A woman with noble qualities who loves humanity and believes in sharing, caring and affection. I am the woman who believes in the principles of sincerity, straight forwardness, generosity, peace and harmony. I have no believe of disguise despite my family’s predicament that puts me to this present condition. What I honor is humanity regardless of color, race or religion. However, I am a devoted Muslim but whole heartedly respect the believes of other people. I am an advocate of human solidarity, mutual affection, righteousness, peace and harmony as well as other noble characters that embrace human existence and lead to success of all kinds and high degree of civilization and happiness. I am fervently impressed of dealing with you in person. More Details of me herewith stated below:

1) My Full Name: Aisha Omar Muammar Al-Qaddafi

2) Date of Birth: 25th December,1976

3) Hometown: Sirte

4) Place of Birth: Tripoli

5) Nationality: Libyan

6) Profession: lawyer(Studied— criminal psychology and law)

7) Sex: Female

8) Marital Status: Single widow ( with 3 children)

9) Height: 5ft,8inch


11) About my family, you can read through the BBC news links below:

The Gaddafi clan: Where are they now? (BBC)

I cannot tell you all about me in writing, reservation until we see in person then you get to know me better.

I need to know your brief and precise details of your business and investment Plans and by doing that you should tell me your ability and experience to handle the investment project in one of the following sectors below or you can provide your own area of investment specialization;

a) Investing in Academic Sector;

b) Real Estate management;

c) Hotel Management/Tourism;

d) Stock Management;

e) Hospital Management;

f) Commercial Agriculture;

g) Dealing on Oil and Gas;

i) Purchasing and Supplying of Gold

j) Export and Import of different manufacturing products in your country.

More importantly, we can not proceed the project without knowing whom am entrusting this investment project to. I would like to know more about you so by replying to this e-mail, you will have to provide your personal information to enable me know whom I’m dealing with for clarification of identity.

1) Your Full Name ……….

2) Current Address…………

3) Nationality……….

4) Your date of birth…………

5) Your Occupation……….

6) Send me a scan copy of your Photo…

7) Your Telephone Number…

I would like you to provide the above information to proceed further.

Best Regards
Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi

Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2019, 10:29
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: More details for the investment project/Reply

Dear Aisha,

is it okay for you if I call you by your first name? Finally, we have this new american businessculture here in Germany. It makes things so much easier and helps to make deals in a more human way. That’s why I like it a lot.

As you asked, let me tell you a little more about me. I am mostly dealing with timber in these days (very interesting India-connections!). And I am doing good Real Estate business too. But to be honest, for the moment, I am mostly interested in diversifying my portfolio. As you suggested it, gold would be phantastic. But i am also very interested in diamond-trade - honestly, that would be my dream. Perhaps, you have some connections? That would be really, really nice.

Anyway, I m sure, we’ll find interesting investment possibilities together. By the way: I like a lot what you wrote about humanity and solidarity. Let’s continue together in these directions.

Warmest greetings from Germany!


Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2019, 10:47
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Re: Reply

Dear Partner,

Thank you for giving me your investment plans.

As my partner, i need the below information in order to write up the investment contract agreement that binds us together as partners.

  1. Your Full Name ……….
  2. Current Address………….
  3. Nationality……….
  4. Your date of birth…………
  5. Your Occupation……….
  6. Send me a scan copy of your Photo…
  7. Your Telephone Number…

As soon as i receive the above required information we shall proceed.

Best Regards

Yours project Partner

Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2019, 18:22
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Re: Reply

Dear Aisha,

thank you for your reply! I am really very happy to get in closer contact with you.

Here are my informations: My name is Kevin Sam Blumfeld. I am German. I was born in Munich. I am almost 60 years old (my birthday is on Saturday! Party-time!). I am a widower - like you are a widow. I have a son. Not always easy, but you are certainly aware of this as a mother of three!

I live in the former German capital Bonn (now, the capital is Berlin, but you know that of course. - I am very impressed that you were ambassador for the UN! You must have so many interesting stories to tell! I would love to hear some!)

As I wrote, nowadays, I am a business-man. I am in timber-trade and real estate. Before, I was working in the chemical industry. Please tell me: Do you think that it is possible that we can dive into the diamond-business together? Really, it has always been my dream! Diamonds are so beautiiful!

As I wrote, I am also very much interested in the human part of business. So, please tell me a little more about you personally. You have such a fascinating fate! How was you father like? In which conditions do you live right now? Are you happy? Do you have good friends? Please tell me more about you, Aisha!

All the best,

Date: Fr, 08 Feb 2019, 08:31
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Re: Dear Partner Kevin Sam Blumfeld, contact the bank

Dear Partner Kevin Sam Blumfeld,

I acknowledge with exceedingly gladness receipt of your information but didn’t see your photos as required and have received details of your investment plans but i think we can do the diamond-business together.i shall tell you more of me as we move on gradually, I am drafting an agreement and shall send you as soon as am done with it, the investment contract agreement must be signed by you and i and legalize by a Resident Attorney according to Bank here. I am sending a scan copy of my diplomatic international passport for your reference. As you make contact to Bank, make sure you enclosed my passport copy and proof of fund document and send them to Bank along with the application of fund claim attached here under.I shall tell you more about me and how my life looks like at the moment, make sure you send an email to Bank.

You have to keep the release of the fund and this project very confidential because the Libyan Government have no idea about where the investment funds were deposited as they have succeeded in frozen our family accounts from different countries. Indeed, they have done more harm to my family to an extent that our family major assets and funds in Italy were put into permanent confiscation and it was a plan of conspiracy with the American Government and European Union. For more knowledge read the news and you would understand what I’m telling you:

Gaddafi family assets worth more than €1bn seized in Italy (Guardian)

For this fund to be release, i am not in a position to communicate the Bank myself because i am under tight surveillance by the Lybian Government,so any transaction conducted in my name will be expose to danger and will possibly end up being put into confiscation, so therefore, I have concluded already with the Bank of Africa holding the funds, as my partner, you have to send an email to the department of the bank assigned to handle this transaction and YOU as the fund recipient who is been eligibly nominated to carry out the investment project should consider the nature and status of the investment project funds and keep all communication with top secret for security and political reasons.

Once you have emailed the bank, please make sure you get back to me for reference.

I have attached below an APPLICATION LETTER which you can amend if you so wish, make sure you will fill the spacemen below before you send to bank.


770, Avenue du Président Aboubakar Sangoulé Lamizana
01 BP 1319 - Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Call: +226 55252520

Attn: Mr. Faustin Amoussou (Bank Director)


I’………………………… From Nationality Of ………………………………. The Investment Partner To Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi. The Only Daughter To Libyan President Late Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi Who Died On 20th October 2011 From the hands of National Transitional Council Forces(Rebel Fighters). I Have Been Nominated to be an investment partner reliable to Handle The Transaction And set up an Investment project with the Funds On Behalf Of Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi.

The Deposited Sum  In Your Bank’s Vault Is $27,500,000 United State Dollars. I Am Hereby Demanding The Release Of The Stated Amount  To Be Credited To My Account And I Will Be Happy To Know The Legal Transfer Formality Required By Your Reputable Office For The Immediate Funds Release.

I’m waiting Your Kind Assistance For Urgent Consideration To My Application.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully


Date: Fr, 08 Feb 2019, 17:21
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Re: Dear Partner Kevin Sam Blumfeld, contact the bank

Dear Aisha,

thanks for all the precious informations. What an exciting business! I am very grateful to be able to cooperate with you. But I must confess that I was a little overwhelmed with all the details in your last e-mail. What would be my next step? What exactly do I have to do? Do I have to SEND something to the BAO already? Or shall I WAIT until you send me the agreement that you will draft? (Sorry, I am a little fevered. I have problems to focus because I am preparing my birthday-party for tonight. Please think of me at midnight! I’M TURNING 60!)

Aisha, please let’s plan a little more our diamond-cooperation. I’m so happy that you are willing to dive into this adventure with me! Diamonds have always been my dream! Tell me, what are your connections? As you are very well established in African politics, I imagine that you must have good knowledge about the diamond-market and all the interesting possibilities in the DIAMOND-CERTIFICATION-BUSINESS (see also: Kimberley Process Certification Scheme - KPCS). Do you know interesting market-players who would collaborate with us?

Sorry, I forgot the picture in my last mail. You’ll find it attached. How do you like it? May I ask you on question, Aisha ? Do you have a partner? Or are you living alone?

All the best,

PS: Don’t worry, I will treat our cooperation with maximum confidentiality. You can trust me in everything, Aisha!

Date: Fr, 08 Feb 2019, 20:53
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Happy Birth Day!

Dear Love Kelvin,

I impressed reading from you and i want to say a big thanks for your good understanding and promises. I have received your photo and it gives me joy knowing you in person. I do not have any partner(lover), my deplorable situation doesn’t permit me to do such a thing because i always think of when am i going to be free from this unbearable condition.

Happy Birth Day!, i wish you more years head, more good health and fullfilment of dreams and plans. I hope to celebrate your next brith day. We all shall celebrate together with joy and happiness.

You should go ahead and contact the Bank, yes you need to contact them. As soon as i finished drafting the agreement and i shall send you to study and sign before a resident lawyer here legalizes it.

Hoping to hear from you as soon as you made contact with the bank


Yours in love

Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2019, 00:24
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Happy Birth Day!

Dear love Aisha,

birthday-party is still going on. I just wanted to say “hello!” And thank you, thank you for all the good wishes! Sorry, I’m a little drunk. My God, Aisha! 60 years! But I’m still looking okay, I think.

I’m so happy to do this diamond-business with you, Aisha! And everything else! Perhaps we could dive into some business with tropical woods too. Very interesting possibilities, I can tell you. There are so many possibilities for us, Aisha! So many! I’ll contact the bank soon. But let’s talk business later. It’s party time right now! Next time we’ll celebrate together! I’m so happy!


Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2019, 12:25
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Re: Happy Birth Day!

Dear Love Kevin,

I know you celebrated the birth day well with Friends and Family.

How i wish i was there to enjoin with you for the celebration, meanwhile we are on weekend so the bank doesn’t work on weekend but i suggest you should send an email to Bank after reading this email so that by Monday and they shall proceed and communicate you.

Hoping to hear from you as soon as you have emailed the bank.


Yours in love partner

Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2019, 16:56
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Application For Funds Release Stated Below

Attn: Mr. Faustin Amoussou (Bank Director)

I, KEVIN SAM BLUMFELD, From Nationality Of GERMANY, The Investment Partner To Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi. The Only Daughter To Libyan President Late Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi Who Died On 20th October 2011 From the hands of National Transitional Council Forces(Rebel Fighters). I Have Been Nominated to be an investment partner reliable to Handle The Transaction And set up an Investment project with the Funds On Behalf Of Mrs Aisha Al-Qaddafi.

The Deposited Sum In Your Bank’s Vault Is $27,500,000 United State Dollars. I Am Hereby Demanding The Release Of The Stated Amount  To Be Credited To My Account And I Will Be Happy To Know The Legal Transfer Formality Required By Your Reputable Office For The Immediate Funds Release.

I’m waiting Your Kind Assistance For Urgent Consideration To My Application.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully
Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2019, 16:59
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Re: Happy Birth Day!

Beloved Aisha,

I hope I didn’t offend you yesterday with a quite private message. I was a little tipsy. And I was so happy about all your warm words.

It’s so nice to know someone warm-hearted and tender like you - especially if you have lost your partner - like we both have. My birthday is still kind of sad. I am still thinking about my wife Elisabeth who passed away two years ago. Monday is her day of death.

Did you finally get over the death of your husband? How long did you take to overcome your sorrow? - Aisha, my dear, we both have had very sad experiences in in our lifes, you and me. That’s what makes me feel so close to you!

I have sent the message to the bank as you asked.

May I ask you again if you know some interesting market-players who would collaborate with us in the diamond-cerification-business? I think that the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) offers some very interesting businesss-opportunities. What do you think? And what do you thing about investing in tropical woods?

Your Kevin

Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019, 09:54
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Re: Happy Birth Day!

My beloved Aisha!

Did you get my last message?

I hope I didn’t offend you on Saturday with my private midnight-message. I was tipsy. So sorry. I was so happy about all your warm words! Please forgive me if I hurted your honor. I don’t want to be indecent.

It’s so nice to know someone warm-hearted and tender like you - especially if you have lost your partner - like we both have. My birthday is still kind of sad. I am still thinking about my wife Elisabeth who passed away two years ago. Tomorrow is her day of death.

Did you finally get over the death of your husband? How long did you take to overcome your sorrow? May Colonel Ahmed al-Gaddafi al-Qahsi’s soul rest in peace. My dear, we both have had very sad experiences in in our lifes, you and me. That’s what makes me feel so close to you!

I have sent the message to the bank as you asked.

May I ask you again if you know some interesting market-players who would collaborate with us in the diamond-cerification-business? I think that the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) offers some very interesting businesss-opportunities. What do you think? And what do you thing about investing in tropical woods?

Your Kevin

Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019, 11:13
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Thank you for contacting the Bank

Dear Partner Kevin,

I acknowledge with gladness receipt of your message that you have already sent an application to Bank. I just want to say thank you for your understanding to work with me to ensure that the investment funds are secured first. we both are bereaved and death made us single and i believe it is time for us to live for each other and show care and love to each other, it is not always easy to forget the pains of loosing a loved one, take heart and i feel the pains because it a plight we both experienced.

I am sending you the drafted agreement, study through it and print off and sign on it, send me scan copies of the signed one so in can sign. The Bank said that the agreement must be legaize by a resident Attorney here, so as soon as we both have signed and i shall find contact of a resident Attorney who has to legaize it.


1) 30% of $27,500,000.00 is $8,250,000.00, This amount of $8,250,000.00 will be apportion to you for your support to ensure the project funds are released.

2) 70% of $27,500,000.00 is $19,250,000.00, This amount of $19,250,000.00 is my own share and also the investment project capital.

After the investment project have been completely established under your management with my own share of $19,250,000.00 ; this is how the investment annual future profit sharing ratio shall be;

3) You are entitle of 10% annual future profit sharing ratio.

4) 15% will be set aside to run daily investment expenses within the year.

5) I am entitle of 75% annual future profit sharing ratio.

For more explanation:

this is what i meant in the above explanation, once the bank released the fund to your possession, you will first of all deduct from the fund your 30% while the 70% is mine and the first other thing to be consider is my traveling to come over to meet with you. By then we shall going to discuss much on the investment project because as my partner you will be the one to handle the project on my behalf, we are going to have discussion like how to invest, where to invest and finally what to invest and after we have considered and taking decision on that then we execute the project.

Once we have finally established any investment from my own share of 70%. Any annual future profit from the investment, you are entitle of 10%  from the annual future profit from the investment, 15% will be set aside to run daily investment expenses within the year. The annual future profit from the investment, the reamining  75% will be mine. The investment capital from my previous share of 70% will not be touched, we can only share the annual future profit.

I will be glad if you understand that without the availability of the project funds being released by the Bank we can likely not going to achieve our investments plans. For this reason, i need your understanding, i need your maximum cooperation with a join efforts to guarantee success in this project.


I need to tell you a bit of how we came in living in a foreign land (Burkina Faso) as a refugee I and my children are currently living peacefully as refugee in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, under the tight surveillance watch by the authority of Government of Burkina Faso. In the year 2011, 20th of October when my late Father’s regime was overthrown during the civil war that took the lives of my family members in my country, the French and the Americans supported the Rebels and equipped them with dangerous weapons to kill my people and after their collective efforts to kill my late Father and overthrown his Government. For years now, i was prevented from telling the world the truth by exile, under tight surveillance watch,not making political statement, not interfare in Libyan affairs, not having access to social media network, prevented from making or receiving calls both local and international, i was imposed a stringent traveling ban and my family members and Friends were all restricted from visiting me. During the war and by the time it got out of hand i was forced to flee the country to Algeria in order to save the lives of my innocent children. I came to Algeria the first country where I got my first asylum as a refugee, the United Nations, NATO were the ones that leaked the news to the Rebels, the news was published everywhere on the internet and went viral online, the Rebels were provoked that I have escaped to Algeria, the Algerian Government wanted to maintain their international relations with the Libyan Opposition Leaders in the future and there was conspiracy between the Libyan Opposition Leaders and the Algerian Government to frustrate my life and i was accused falsely and booted out of Algeria.

You can read the news below for more knowledge:
Muammar Gaddafi’s Daughter Thrown Out of Algeria After Starting Fires in Safe House (Time)


At that time of frustration, under depression with high tension of all time, i decided to seek a confidential asylum to stay here in Burkina Faso, it was highly confidential one because i don’t want anyone from Libya or else where to know my hide out this time. The humanitarian asylum protection granted to me this time to live here in this country (Burkina Faso) was a confidential one and was not on any where published by online Journalists or news paper publishing company for political and security reasons.

There was a speculation that went viral online although it was a plan deal authorized by me, since i have considered you as my partner i need to unfold the communication plans and believe you keep this information with top secret, i am alive to tell you my where about as stated above, forget entirely what was been published by online Journalists that i am currently in Oman, it was a complete fake news purposely published and authorized by me in order to prevent the Libyan Opposition Leaders knowing my where about. Ever since the news was published, i have had my rest of mind because everyone thought i am presently in Oman where as i am in Burkina Faso, i am telling you this and confided  in you  and believe you keep this secret with top confidential.

You can understand that I am constraint by law of this country, i am being put under strict protection and observations and can not do what any other free person does because of my asylum/refugee status and this is the reason why the Bank advised me to appoint an investment partner for the immediate release of the investment capital since i have no right to make the cliam myself due to my asylum status.


In your country, i do not wish any investment project to be done in my name for security reason but i  will be happy that we establish all the investment in your own name or your business or company’s name. What do you think about it?, i want you to be the only one to handle the investment projects on my behalf. I believe in you and put all my trust and confidence in you, I believe through your good understanding and efforts we can achieve success within a short period of time.

I will advice that you stay close to your mailbox to enable you know when ever the Bank respond to your application so as to follow up immediately. I need your update always to enable me know your communication with the Bank, always forward to me any message you received from the bank.

Thank you very much and keep me updated your next communication with the bank.

Best Regards

Investment Contract Agreement 1

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 08:42
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Thank you for contacting the Bank

Dear Aisha,

thank you very much for the contract. I will study it and send it back to you.

Today, I am so sad. This is always the saddest day in the whole year. I’m thinking of Elisabeth who passed away two years ago. You wrote: “It is time for us to live for each other and show care and love to each other”. That gives me hope. Thank you so much for your empathy, Aisha.

By quickly reading the contract, I’ve already noticed with great joy that you’ve mentioned our diamond-business in the agreement. Great! Thank you! How exciting!

Aisha, my belowed, please tell me more in detail how you see our business with diamonds and diamond-certification (Kimberley Process Certification Scheme - KPCS)! I really want to do it with YOU! Please think of it, Aisha! We have to find good opportunities for all this money! I am really curious to read ALL your ideas for this business. Do you know military leaders in control of diamond-mines? THAT WOULD BE THE BEST!

Warm kisses,

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 10:24
From: Bank Of Africa (BOA)
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Re: Notification and Acknowledgement

Bank Of Africa (BOA)
770, Avenue du Président Aboubakar Sangoulé Lamizana
01 BP 1319 - Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Tél/Fax (+226) 60 79 63 37

Attention: Dear Valued Customer Kevin Sam Blumfeld

This is to acknowledge receipt of your application.

Having confirmed your request we wish to inform you that a response will be sent to you shortly after conducting our Board  meeting.

Therefore, kindly expect our feed back with details of transfer procedures today.

For more inquiries, You can call through my office telephone line: (+226) 55252520

Best Regards
Mr. Faustin Amoussou

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 10:50
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Please keep me informed as soon as you hear from the bank

Dear love Kevin,

How was your night?, hope fine.

i feel just the same way you are feeling now but all you need to do is to comport yourself and having known that the dead  know nothing about the living but the memories we had over our encounter with our dead ones made us feel the pains of being bereaved. Take heart and always know that i am here for you just as i know you are there for me too. I know i can neither replace your dead beloved wife (Elisabeth) nor you taking place of my belove dead husband(Ahmed), the dead have gone and gone forever so we as the living ones must live our lives and continue with our plans.

I am because you are and you are because i am, we live for each other, where am weak there you are strong and where am strong and there you are weak.

About the investment, we shall talk more on that when i come over to Germany.

All you need to do is to sign the contract agreement and send me scan copies of the signed one to enable me sign on it so i can find resident lawyer to legalize it.

Please keep me informed as soon as you hear from the bank.

Hoping for your update.

Yours in love

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 14:28
From: Bank Of Africa (BOA)
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Notification of funds transfer/Requirement

Bank Of Africa (BOA)
770, Avenue du Président Aboubakar Sangoulé Lamizana
01 BP 1319 - Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Tél/Fax (+226) 60 79 63 37

Date: 11/2/2019

Attention: Dear Valued Customer; Kevin Sam Blumfeld

This communication is to inform you that we have just concluded the Board meeting and have equally received an express transfer instructions to commence an adequate preparation to transfer the investment funds valued at US $27,500,000.00 (Twenty Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only).

Having received an express mandate to execute the transfer of the said funds currently domiciled at our bonded depository facility once due processes are followed in accordance with the enabling laws to justify the transaction. Nevertheless, you are here-fore required to provide the following transfer requirement for legal justification to enhance the funds transfer proceedings exercise;

1) Certificate change of funds ownership

For these funds to be transfer to your account as per your request based on the high control restriction and surveillance mounted  upon the name “Al-Qaddafi” and with every members of the family who bear the name”Al-Qaddafi” so, in order to move forward with the processing of funds release we must have to change the funds ownership and legalize the funds to your name to avoid being interrogated by the global financial control authorities . This is very important and necessarily needed in order to achieve unquestioning successful transaction.

So therefore, in order to proceed further we need to change the fund depositor’s name from (Late Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi) to your name (Kevin Sam Blumfeld), having already been informed that any transaction associated or linked to the name “Al-Qaddafi” or any of his family’s members attracts surveillance of Highest level by the Libyan and NATO, in that case, this transaction must be coded therefore never you disclose to anyone the on-going fund processing transfer and we need a certificate change of fund ownership to your name, as a partner to Aisha this is an appropriate procedure that paves way to the immediate success of fund release without the European Central Bank (E C B) and Bank Of America questioning the legality of the fund.

2) An investment contract agreement

We need a legalize agreement binding you and Aisha as partners, the agreement must be legalized by a resident Attorney here in Burkina Faso to justify your partnership mutualism.

This process helps to back up legally and justifying the release of the fund to you, therefore, the need of the above mention agreement and document are compulsory. Once this document is procured and the agreement is legalize, we shall transfer the fund direct to your account by tranches.

3) Kindly Provide your Bank account Details

You are to provide your account details stated below

Your Bank Name…………………

Your Bank Address……………..

Your Account Name…………….

Your account Number…………

Your IBAN code………………….

Your Bank swift code……………

Nevertheless, you are here-fore required to contact a registered and accredited Attorney here Burkina Faso who is eligible to issue and notarize the document and legalize the agreement binding you and Aisha as Partners.

Furtherore, in order to help you nominate a resident Attorney who is to represent you before the court to provide the document in your name, in case you do not know any resident and accredited Attorney here in Burkina Faso. You are to contact our Fiduciary Agent Barrister Sharon for legal assistance and forward to him our last email where the needful are required to enable him have knowledge of what you need him to do.

Here under are his contact details:

Chamber Name:  Leo Sharon Legal Firm & Co
Contact Person:  Barrister Leo Sharon
Chamber E-mail:
Tel: +226 78414766

For more inquiries, You can call through my office telephone line: (+226) 55252520

Best Regards
Mr. Faustin AMOUSSOU

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 14:55
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Please keep me informed as soon as you hear from the bank

Aisha, my dear love,

did you really write that you will come to Germany soon? How wonderful! When will you come? I can show you my country! What do you know about Germany? Have you ever been in my country? I can’t remember if your father has ever travelled to Germany. I would have loved to see his tents and his female body guards in front of our Reichstag. What a majestic picture that would have been! He was such a special man! Is there something that you would like to see especially in Germany? Please tell me! Making projects and the anticipation of being with you will help me to support the pain of my sorrow.

Attached, you will find the agreement. It’s a good contract. Thank you for having so much trust in me. Please tell me: Why did you decide to contact me in particular?

Mr. Faustin Amoussou from tha BOA wrote, that they will decide in their managment board. I hope that we will suceed! I have seen that Mr. Faustino is the Director of the BOA. I’m impressed. Do you know him personnally?

Your Kevin

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 17:55
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Hoping to hear from you

Dear Love Kevin,

Thank you for your quick update, i will print off and sign the agreement and also sent you back. The Bank informed me that they have sent you a second email providing transfer details and requirement required by the Bank managment board in order to proceed with immediate fund release. I need you to confirm receipt of the message the second message the bank sent you and update me the way forward.

Yes, i did say it that as soon as the Bank release the fund and i shall start making my traveling plans to your country, If there is any place i will like to visit til then and you will be the one to taking us there any where.

Hoping to hear from you.

Thank you.

Yours in love

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 22:08
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

Aisha, my love!

Yes, you are right, the bank sent me another message. Everything seems to be fine, they say.

I’m tired. I have concluded two big real-estate-deals today. But what is money if you feel lonely?

I will go to bed now. May I ask you a favor in all confidentiality? Something that stays only between you and me? Could you send me some pictures of you which would be more sensual than the official ones? Some erotic pictures? Just a little consolation for my lonely nights.

Warm Kisses!

Yours forever,

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 08:21
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld


Dear Love Kevin,

Good morning from here.

Sending you a personal sexual photo is against our islamic tradition but i will do my best to send you a photo but not that one you ask for.

I need you to forward to me the message the bank sent you. I shall sign the agreement today and send you. Hoping to receive the message of the bank so i can advice you the war forward.

Yours in love partner

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 10:28
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Fw: Notification of funds transfer/Requirement

Aisha my Love!

Thank you for your message. Herewith, I’m forwarding to you the message of the Bank of Africa (see below).

Today, I’m starting a business-trip. I have to finalise some important real-estate-deals in Poland. Very interesting opportunities over there. Wild, wild East! I have seen that your family has still two beautiful villas in Munich. Wonderful objects! Your family has very good taste. Perhaps I could help you to sell them?

Yes, please send me some pictures of you today! Thank you so much, my dear! Not necessarily sexual photos. Erotic is fine. Some sensual photos of you for my lonely nights in dull hotel-rooms. Poland can be so cold.

Warm kisses,

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2019, 14:28
From: Bank Of Africa (BOA)
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Notification of funds transfer/Requirement

Bank Of Africa (BOA)
770, Avenue du Président Aboubakar Sangoulé Lamizana
01 BP 1319 - Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Tél/Fax (+226) 60 79 63 37

Date: 11/2/2019

Attention: Dear Valued Customer; Kevin Sam Blumfeld

This communication is to inform you that we have just concluded the Board meeting and have equally received an express transfer instructions to commence an adequate preparation to transfer the investment funds valued at US $27,500,000.00 (Twenty Seven Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only).

Having received an express mandate to execute the transfer of the said funds currently domiciled at our bonded depository facility once due processes are followed in accordance with the enabling laws to justify the transaction. Nevertheless, you are here-fore required to provide the following transfer requirement for legal justification to enhance the funds transfer proceedings exercise;

1) Certificate change of funds ownership

For these funds to be transfer to your account as per your request based on the high control restriction and surveillance mounted  upon the name “Al-Qaddafi” and with every members of the family who bear the name”Al-Qaddafi” so, in order to move forward with the processing of funds release we must have to change the funds ownership and legalize the funds to your name to avoid being interrogated by the global financial control authorities . This is very important and necessarily needed in order to achieve unquestioning successful transaction.

So therefore, in order to proceed further we need to change the fund depositor’s name from (Late Col. Muammar Al-Qaddafi) to your name (Kevin Sam Blumfeld), having already been informed that any transaction associated or linked to the name “Al-Qaddafi” or any of his family’s members attracts surveillance of Highest level by the Libyan and NATO, in that case, this transaction must be coded therefore never you disclose to anyone the on-going fund processing transfer and we need a certificate change of fund ownership to your name, as a partner to Aisha this is an appropriate procedure that paves way to the immediate success of fund release without the European Central Bank (E C B) and Bank Of America questioning the legality of the fund.

2) An investment contract agreement

We need a legalize agreement binding you and Aisha as partners, the agreement must be legalized by a resident Attorney here in Burkina Faso to justify your partnership mutualism.

This process helps to back up legally and justifying the release of the fund to you, therefore, the need of the above mention agreement and document are compulsory. Once this document is procured and the agreement is legalize, we shall transfer the fund direct to your account by tranches.

3) Kindly Provide your Bank account Details

You are to provide your account details stated below

Your Bank Name…………………

Your Bank Address……………..

Your Account Name…………….

Your account Number…………

Your IBAN code………………….

Your Bank swift code……………

Nevertheless, you are here-fore required to contact a registered and accredited Attorney here Burkina Faso who is eligible to issue and notarize the document and legalize the agreement binding you and Aisha as Partners.

Furtherore, in order to help you nominate a resident Attorney who is to represent you before the court to provide the document in your name, in case you do not know any resident and accredited Attorney here in Burkina Faso. You are to contact our Fiduciary Agent Barrister Sharon for legal assistance and forward to him our last email where the needful are required to enable him have knowledge of what you need him to do.

Here under are his contact details:

Chamber Name:  Leo Sharon Legal Firm & Co
Contact Person:  Barrister Leo Sharon
Chamber E-mail:
Tel: +226 78414766

For more inquiries, You can call through my office telephone line: (+226)55252520

Best Regards
Mr. Faustin AMOUSSOU

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 10:46
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Contact the lawyer

Dear Love Kevin,

with exceedingly joy in my heart i received a copy of the message the bank sent to you.The Bank have made it crystal clear that they need the document before proceeding the transfer effectively . What we need to talk about is the possibility to obtain the document and made them available in your name and submitted to Bank so that they will release the funds to you because the document will be issue by the court to justify the legality of the transaction.

Please i do not want to involve you in any of our family assets/properties because all monitor by the Libyan Opposition leaders with high surveillance. I am sending you my recent photos and as soon as i sign the agreement and shall send you the signed copy so you can forward to the lawyer

You should provide to them your account details.

There is no need to delay since the Bank have already nominated their Fiduciary Agent who is to represent you before the court in order to procure the document and legalize the agreement, you should go ahead and send him the below message.

Copy and send to Lawyer the with below application:

Chamber Name:  Leo Sharon Legal Firm & Co
Contact Person:  Barrister Leo Sharon
Chamber E-mail:
Tel: +226 78414766

Dear Barrister Leo Sharon (Esg),

Please be advise and inform that, my name is …………. A nationality of ………….and a business partner to Mrs Aisha Gaddafi.

May I take this opportunity to seek & request your kind legal & expertise assistance to procure the following document from the Federal High Court of Burkina Faso on my behalf.

1. Certificate change of fund ownership and legalization of fund to my name

Please be informed that, I am the business partner of Mrs Aisha Gaddafi. We need this document to be prepared and submitted to the bank for the release of the funds to me. I wish to seek and request your immediate advice, legal action and expect you may procure this document as shortest time as possible considering the limited time giving by the Bank. Should you require further information kindly get back to me.

Thank you for your legal & expert advice in obtaining the above document under my name.

Await your immediate advice & legal advice.

Kindest regards.


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 11:47
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

I have signed the agreement

Dear Love Kevin,

I have signed the agreement, you should forward all the agreement copies to the lawyer. Please make sure you contact the lawyer urgent and get back to me.


Yours in love

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 17:36
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: I have signed the agreement

Aisha, my beloved investment-partner, my darling, my heart!

Again, another day without you! That’s so sad! Poland is so cold! Thank you for the photos. They are lovely. But please, please send me some SELFIES a little bit more sensual! Please trust me, my beloved investment-partner. And be assured: There cannot be any kind of sin between two loving-ones.

Thank you for the documents. ACH, Aisha! Everything get’s so complicated. Isn’t that terrible? So many agreements, so many papers! Everything could be so easy if we had met already. We would be REAL partners then, each of us knowing each INCH of the other one. We would then understand us very naturally: Kevin would exactly know what Aisha feels and Aisha would deeply know what Kevin NEEDS. No need for lawyers, bank directors or dull agreements anymore. Wouldn’t that be wonderful, my love?

I have been out in the Wild, Wild East until now. I’m so tired, my heart. Making business in Poland is almost as tricky as making business in Africa. I should have a Whisky or two in the hotel-bar downstairs. I’ll try to understand all the complicated procedures to follow later. But please send me some warm photos! Hoping so strongly to find these pictures when I’m back at my laptop here in my hotel-room. I’m so hungry for love! Thank you, my heart!

Warmest kisses, biggest hugs,
Forever yours, Kevin

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 19:34
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

You should contact the lawyer and get back to me

Dear Love Kevin,

Thank you for your reply and am happy that you arrived safely to Poland.

Please i will be happy that you give me your good understanding, my deplorable situation at the moment is more than selfie and all these photos you are asking from me. As for me i prefer coming over and meeting with you in person than asking for photos.

All i need from you is to try your best and fast up your communication to guarantee the conclusion of this project.

You should contact the lawyer and get back to me.

Thank you.

Yours in love

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 21:35
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Barrister Leo Sharon

Certificate change of fund ownership

Chamber Name:  Leo Sharon Legal Firm & Co
Contact Person:  Barrister Leo Sharon
Chamber E-mail:
Tel: +226 78414766

Dear Barrister Leo Sharon (Esg),

Please be advise and inform that, my name is Kevin Sam Blumfeld A nationality of Germany and a business partner to Mrs Aisha Gaddafi. May I take this opportunity to seek & request your kind legal & expertise assistance to procure the following document from the Federal High Court of Burkina Faso on my behalf.

1) Certificate change of fund ownership and legalization of fund to my name

Please be informed that, I am the business partner of Mrs Aisha Gaddafi. We need this document to be prepared and submitted to the bank for the release of the funds to me. I wish to seek and request your immediate advice, legal action and expect you may procure this document as shortest time as possible considering the limited time giving by the Bank. Should you require further information kindly get back to me.

Thank you for your legal & expert advice in obtaining the above document under my name.

Await your immediate advice & legal advice.

Kindest regards,
Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 21:35
From: Barrister Leo Sharon
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld



Your e-mail is received and I will answer you as soon as possible.

Kind regards
Leo Sharon Legal Firm

Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019, 21:37
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: You should contact the lawyer and get back to me

Dear Love Aisha,

perhaps you are right: meeting in person may be better than all kind of pictures.

I have sent our agreement to Barrister Leo Sharon.

Sometimes, you sound so cold.
Sometimes, I ask myself if you really love me.

Yours in love,

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 08:29
From: Barrister Leo Sharon
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

01 Zad secteur 30, P.O. Box 01 B.P. 5189, Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso
Fax/Tel No: +226 78414766
Whatsapp: +226 55104196

Date: 13/2/2019

Attention: Dear Client “Kevin Sam Blumfeld”

With an immense cordiality showing due respect in receipt of your request and we are bringing this correspondence to you in response to your solicited mail where you seeked our legal assistance to act on your behalf to procure the required document.

we have today accepted in good faith to offer you our legal support, further more  we shall contact the High Court Procurer General and the Court Executive members in order to re-confirm the court proceedings legal fees required before the issuance and  notarization of the document in your name.

We shall communicate you as soon as we confirmed from the court authority the cost details of court proceeding requirements which you will be advice to follow up to enable us accelerate our legal actions in anticipation to make court application in order to start the court proceedings to procure the document and legalize the signed contract agreement so that the BANK  shall start processing the funds release promptly.

Lastly by responding and acknowledging receipt of this message, you are required at the same time to reconfirm your information stated here under. we have to compile these information in a file in order to make court application so as to start the court proceedings.

Your Full Name:………………………………………………..

Your Current Address:………………………………….

Your Nationality:………………………………………………..

Your Mobile phone Number:………………………..

Your Occupation:………………………………………….

Your Government approved identity……………..

The above information are required to make court application and proceedings before the issuance of the document and legalization of the funds.
(you can know more about our chamber by going through our chamber website

Best Regards

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 09:27
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Thank you for contacting the Lawyer

Dear Love Kevin,

I’m exceedingly glad knowing that you have sent an email to Lawyer. Never you think i don’t love you because i never sound strange to you, sounding so cold does not mean i don’t love and care for you but it does mean i am into tight surveillance and having a deplorable condition.

I shall wait to hear from you once you received feedback from the lawyer.

Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.

Yours in love

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 13:41
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Barrister Leo Sharon

Dear Barrister Leo Sharon,

I have received your message. Thank you so much for your help. I have read your curriculum vitae on your website I am so happy that a man with such a huge experience is willing to help us. Thank you, Barrister, thank you so much!

Tell me, dear Mr. Barrista Leo Sharon, I have two quick but very important questions:

1) Do you have any experience in the interesting business with diamonds and diamond-certification (see also: Kimberley Process Certification Scheme - KPCS)? Personnally, I think that the term “blood diamonds” is nothing more than pure European propaganda which tries to justify Western control over African ressources. I consider the business with non-certified, so called “blood diamonds” as a very interesting investment opportunity. Mrs Aisha Gaddhafi and myself are highly interested in placing a huge amount of money in this field. Can we count on your help in this business?

2) Could you help us to make some business in Germany too? The Gaddhafi-family had in their possession two very interesting villas in Munich. These villas are now under control of the Libyan Embassy. But legally, they still belong to the Gaddhafis! This is unjust! Justice has to be restablished! These buildings are highly profitable objects, worth several million dollars. I would like to take back control over these properties and offer them in the tender hands of my beloved Aisha as a birthday present. Do you think you could assist me in this HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL deal? We should act very quickly because the real-estate-market is very nervous in Germany. Especially in Munich.

Dear Barrister Leo Sharon, these are my personal datas: I am Kevin Sam Blumfeld. I am a successful German business man trading mostly with timber and real estate. But I would like to diversify my portfolio (diamonds!). I am a widower (my wife Elisabeth died 2 years ago). I am 60 years old (born on 09.02.1959. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius!). I live in Bonn, the former capital of Germany. And I am very proud to be the investment-partner of Mrs Aisha Gaddhafi.

I am hoping to hear from you very soon. Please give me quickly some informations about the villas and the diamond business. Both is highly important for me. Perhaps you know some highly placed general or other military chief who has a diamond-mine under his control.

All the best from Poland, where I am on a business trip.

Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 13:42
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Thank you for contacting the Lawyer

Dear Love Aisha,

thank you for your warm words. I’m so happy that I have finally found a loving women like you.

I have got a message from Barrister Leo Sharon and gave him all the necessary informations for our business.

I truely and deeply love you!


Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 14:38
From: Barrister Leo Sharon
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Re: The Court proceedings and Requirements (URGENT)

01 Zad secteur 30, P.O. Box 01 B.P. 5189, Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso
Fax/Tel No: +226 78414766
Whatsapp: +226 55104196

Your Ref: DCC/Vol.111 Case No. 015192

Date: 13/2/2019

Attention: Dear Client “Kevin Sam Blumfeld”

With reference to your response we are available to assist you in your Diamonds business here in Africa as we are willing to recomend you the miners in sierra leone Diamonds dealers once you are ready to proceed with the Diamonds business you should give us feed back.

This is to let you know that we have already concluded our urgent official consultative inquiries at the Federal High Court regarding the issuance and notarization of the required document base on the demand of the BANK as per your proxy following the email you sent us.

We have confirmed the total cost required as the court official fees for the issuance of the relevant DOCUMENT and the legalization which is €2,750.oo Euros.

The above payment is compulsory and the payment would be tender to Federal High Court before the required document is notarized, It is mandatory that this payment is settled before the court authority will issue and notarize the document.

Our chamber terms and conditions of legal service stated and required you to pay the following chamber fees

1) Chamber Registration fee = €480.oo Euros

2) Chamber Mobilization fee = €420.oo Euros

Total= €900.oo Euros

Our chamber fees ($900.oo US Dollars) will be tender to this chamber before we can anticipate our further legal action to start the court proceedings on your behalf in order to procure the document.

However, the total fees required by this chamber before starting the court proceedings is (€900.oo Euros. + €2,750.oo Euros) = €3,650.oo Euros

The receipt of the above payment will enable us commence and conclude urgent action on the authentication of the document procuring.

Note: The high court authority has given us the assurance that the document will be ready within 24 hours after payment. The court authority will not issue the document on credit basis without paying the court fees as stated above, so payment must be made to the court before the document will be issued.

As soon as we receive the above payment we shall immediately start the court proceedings in order to procure the document and legalize the funds to your name. Your urgent response will be appreciated to enable us direct and provide you how to make payment to us.

(you can know more about our chamber by going through our chamber website:

Best Regards

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 17:08
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Barrister Leo Sharon

Re: The Court proceedings and Requirements (URGENT)

Dear Barrister Leo Sharon,

thank you for your quick reply.

I am very happy to read that you are willing to assist us in our “blood diamond”-business. You already know of course that I don’t believe that there are some diamonds more bloody than others. Capitalism is bloody. Not diamonds.

The European Union as a whole is one dirty, inhuman blood-diamond-mine!

That said, I think it is very important that Mrs. Gaddhafi and myself have full access to powerfull people of the highest level which control and/or can easily TAKE CONTROL of some diamond-mines which the European propaganda would wrongly call “blood-diamond-mines”.

Therefore my direct question: Do you know this kind of mighty people? Who are they? And which diamond-mines do they control and/or are they able to control in the nearest future? Please send me as much informations as possible on this vital subject. Thank you!

Venerable Barrista Leo Sharon, please allow me to rediscuss the question of the two Gaddhafi-villas in Munich. As I wrote, these two beautiful objects are for the moment under the control of the Libyan government. But they are property of our beloved Gaddafi-family! We can easily say that the actual Libyan government HAS STOLEN these two villas from the family of my beloved investment-partner Aisha Gaddhafi.

Me, Kevin Sam Blumfeld, will not tolerate this kind of treacherous behavior. And I need a strong, smart and courageous lawyer who could assist me in my battle against this viperish injustice. My question, Barrista Leo Sharon: Will you be this lawyer?

I have to beg you to treat this question concerning the two Munich-villas with uttermost discretion because these two beautiful objects should be my birthday-present for my beloved investment-partner Aisha Gaddhafi.

I’m hoping to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,
Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 17:38
From: Barrister Leo Sharon
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Re: The Court proceedings and Requirements (URGENT)

01 Zad secteur 30, P.O. Box 01 B.P. 5189, Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso
Fax/Tel No: +226 78414766
Whatsapp: +226 55104196

Your Ref: DCC/Vol.111 Case No. 015192

Date: 13/2/2019

Attention: Dear Client “Kevin Sam Blumfeld”

Sir, once you are ready to do Diamonds Business then you have to take a trip down to Africa in person and every discussion on that will be done right here.

Regarding how to procure the relevant document and legalize the agreement as your request. You are required to transfer the court and chamber fee via western Union or money gram using the below name as the receiver:

Receiver Name: LEO SHARON

After you have made payment, you are to provide us a scan copy of paymet receipt for confirmation.

(you can know more about our chamber by going through our chamber website:

Best Regards

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 18:55
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Thank you for contacting the Lawyer

Aisha, my love,

today, I’ve tried hard to complete our deal with Barrister Leo Sharon. I wanted to make everything perfect. Unfortunately, I have to communicate you some doubts concerning this lawyer. I asked for several very important business details but he was evasive and didn’t show any real enthusiasm. No zeal, no imagination! Nothing! But you have to be enthusiastic and creative if you want to do good business! Don’t you think so, my beloved Aisha? This world is too cold!

Barrister Leo Sharon didn’t even have an answer to very easy and precise questions. I have presented him our business-plans concerning the blood-diamonds, but in my opinion, he doesn’t seem to be the right person for such a difficult business. Actually, he knows NOBODY who controls blood-diamond-mines or could bring some blood-diamond-mine under his control. NOBODY! Not one poor Colonel. That’s very deceiving, my love.

Honestly, we should search a better lawyer!

It’s so hard to travel through Poland. The women are beautiful, but that’s all. As soon as you leave the big cities, it’s almost impossible to find working wifi-spots.

I would love to have you with me, my dear. You must know this feeling in life: You get richer and richer, more powerful and more powerful, but the more you get rich and powerful, the more you feel lonely. Strange. As if solitude was the price for money and power.

Warm kisses,

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 20:19
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Hoping to hear from you

Dear Love Kevin,

Please my love let us focus of how to get the document and legalize the agreement for now, that is the most purpose why you have made contact with Mr Sharon, as for the contact regarding the Diamonds business, i have all the contacts we need in the nearest future for this business but this is not the time to talk about it. We need to concentrate getting the required document in your name to enable the bank release the fund, once the funds are in your possession then by the time i come over to meet with you then we can talk about Diamonds business plans.

Please for now, i believe Mr Sharon is the right Lawyer who has to procure the document and legalize our agreement, please work with him in this aspect so he can make court application and start the court proceedings.

Hoping to hear from you.

Yours in love

Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019, 22:29
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

Aisha, my love!

You are right. As always. I’m so happy that I have met such a calm and rational person like you. Your reason perfectly completes my enthusiasm. We will be an unbeatable investment-team. I’m so happy that you have all the contacts for our diamond-business. But for now, let’s focus on that document. I will send the money to Barrister Leo Sharon via Moneygram tomorrow.

We will soon meet in person! I’m so happy!

Have a good night!

Always yours,

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 09:12
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

Aisha, my love!

How was your night? I haven’t slept at all. The whole night, I thought about asking you this question. But I didn’t dare. I have to do it: Aisha, will you marry me if you come to Germany?

Warm kisses,

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 10:22
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Today is 14th Feb. Lovers Day! i wish you a happy valentine

Dear Love Kevin,

Thank you for your response, i had a good and peaceful sleep at night and hope you slept and woke up in good health.

Honestly a thought of you kept me sleepless night and am counting days of coming over to meet with you in Germany as soon as Mr Sharon procure the document and the fund is released. You have ask a good question and i think i will answer it…quess what!, you are the reason of my happiness and i want to sincerely tell you that i am prepared to marry you and i will look into your eyes once i come over to Germany and tell you how much love and care i have for you.

Today is 14th Feb. Lovers Day! i wish you a happy valentine.

It is time we have to start leaning each other, as time goes on when i come over to Germany i will like to know your DOES and DONT, i mean, the things you like and the things you hate as a man and i will tell you mine, you have to get yourself prepare for such discussion because we shall sit down facing each other, eye to eye discussion and by then you will tell me everything i will need to know about you and i shall tell you mine.

Always know that No one is perfect, i am because you are, You are because i am, where you are weak and there i am strong Where i am strong and there you are weak, Meaning we live for each other and we live to correct each other some mistakes of life because no one is perfect. Always know that our happiness is depending on you. I need to be happy and it is through you that i will be happy.

Hoping to receive good news from you today once you sent the money to Mr Sharon.

Yours in love

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 12:35
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi


Oh my god, Aisha! Help! It’s so horrible! I have been hacked! I hate the internet! It’s full of liars, criminals and bandits! I have visited on one of these erotic websites. My laptop must have caught a computer-virus there! Please pardon me, my Aisha! My whole hardrive is ENCRYPTED! All my datas are LOCKED! Everything! Aisha! Very important documents! Pictures, passwords, everything! Oh, my god! Please help me, Aisha! I wanted to make the monesygramm-transaction for barrista Sharon but got a messqage which says that I have to pay 300 euros in bitxcoin. They gave me a very strange adfress, only numbers and letters. I don’t care abiut the money. But I don’t know how these thinbgs work. I don’t even know how to get these fucfking bitcoins! Please answer quickly ! Aisha, my future wife! Please help me! I’m so desperate! Kevin!

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 12:47
From: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi
To: Kevin Sam Blumfeld

Hoping to hear from you

Dear Love Kevin,

If you feel your email was hijacked then you need to change your password of your account, if possible you can contact your computer technicians so he can confirm and fix your computer well.

Mean while, i am not talking about bitcoins and what i am talking about is how Mr Sharon can get the document in your name. You should try and ensure you send the money to him so he can make court application and start the court proceedings today. Waiting next to hear from you as soon as you sent the money. As soon as you transfered the money, i need a scan copy of the MONEYGRAM receipt for my reference.

Hoping to hear from you.

Yours in love

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 12:59
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

Aisha, my love! It’s a nightmare! It’s not only about my email-adress! My laptop is encrypted! THE WHOLE LAPTOP! EVERYTHING! ALL FILES ARE LOCKED! There is a screen with a message that I have to send bitcoins to an adress. But i don’t know how that works! I’m sitting in this stupid internet-café, the fucking laptop is beside me but it is DEAD! I have no access to the datas on the laptop! But I can’t do anything without access to my laptop! Please help me, Aisha, please!

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 13:18
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

Aisha, please help me! I’m blackmailed! I have to send 300 euros in bitcoins to the hackers. Otherwise, all my datas will be lost forever. Could you please send for me 300 Euros in bitcoins to the adress? Please answer quickly! There is no time to be lost! I will loose everything!

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 13:31
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

Aisha, please don’t let me down! My beloved investment-partner! My future wife! Please send 300 euros in bitcoins to the bitcoin-adress of these hackers! Will you? Please say yes! I will give you their god-damned bitcoin-adresse and you send them 300 euros in bitcoins, okay?! Please, Aisha, please say yes! Otherwise I will lose all my datas! Please! Always yours, Kevin

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 14:32
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

Aisha, my love, please give me a little sign that I can send you the bitcoin-adress of these hackers. Please! The hackers guarantee that I can recover safely and easily all my files as soon as they will receive 300 euros in bitcoin. I did a quick google-research. I must have caught something which works like “WannaCry”. Look what I have found:

If you send them the bitcoins, I’ll get my data back. So please, Aisha, help me! Kisses, Kevin

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019, 18:31
From: Kevin Sam Blumfeld
To: Mrs Aisha Gaddafi

Aw: Hoping to hear from you

My beloved Aisha, we have only 6 hours left to send 300 euros in bitcoin to the hackers. Will you send the money for me? Will you? Please say yes! I will give you their bitcoin-adresse and you send them 300 euros in bitcoins, okay?! If you send them the bitcoins, I’ll get all my datas back. Please, Aisha, help me! I am so desperate! Warm kisses, Kevin

~~~ THE END ~~~


    This INVESTMENT CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made and entered into on this day 10th FEBRUARY, 2019 by and between:

    AISHA GADDAFI was born on 25th December,1976 at Tripoli Libya. A lawyer by profession (studied law at Paris Diderot University).

    KEVIN SAM BLUMFELD was born on 9/2/1959, a German by Nationality. A business-man And currently in timber-trade and real estate.


    THE INVESTOR: AISHA GADDAFI a LIBYAN CITIZEN with International passport Number D007551 is willing to invest the total sum of US$27,500,000.00 (Twenty Seven Million Five hundred thousand United States Dollars) only for investment in profitable ventures.

    Having the necessary expertise and contacts to place funds in private sector as investment VENTURES (DIAMOND-TRADE) has agreed to undertake investment of the said funds in the secure and profitable manner.

    THEREFORE, in consideration for the mutual covenants and benefits herein contained the Partners have contracted as follows:

    The Investment Partner’s responsibility is to provide information for the target investment, construct and to operate the investment in a profitable manner immediately the Bank releases the fund.


    2.1) The Investor will hold 70% of the total investment value ($27,500,000.00) at $19,250,000.00 while the 30% of the total fund valued at $8,250,000.00 will be shared by the investment Partner on the successful transfer of the investment funds to the account of the Investment Partner.


    i) MR. KEVIN SAM BLUMFELD is entitle of 10% annual future profit sharing ratio.

    ii) 15% will be set aside to run daily investment expenses within the year.

    iii) The investor (MRS AISHA AL-QADDAFI) is entitle of 75% annual future profit sharing ratio.
    The project funds ($19,250,000.00) will not be touched by anyone.

    2.2) It is clearly understood by the parties that the actions of the Investment Partner shall not be deemed to be regulated by an investment commission. However, when the Investment Partner has identified profitable investment venture and has committed that funds for such investment, the actual transactions will always be conducted by parties fully qualified and licensed for the purpose under applicable laws and regulations.

    2.3) The two parties, the Investor (AISHA GADDAFI) and the Partner (KEVIN SAM BLUMFELD) will work together under mutualism with joint Efforts to ensure the Bank releases the project funds.


    3.1) The funds earmarked for investment transactions shall always remain fully secured and without any risks of speculation and under signatory control of the Investment Partner, until the Investor decides to take away his due share as specified in this Memorandum of Understanding.

    3.2) In order to enable the Investment Partner to select the most suitable investment ventures and to commit funds to facilitate profitable investment transactions, the Investment Partner shall have unrestricted control of the funds; he is empowered to transfer the funds to different bank accounts at his discretion provided the signatory control always remains with the Investment Manager.

    4.0) That the Investment Manager under the principle of utmost good faith and trust hereby promise that upon receipt of the said funds, he (Investment Partner) must abide by the sharing ratio as stated above;

    4.1) That both parties should always stand as each others brother’s keeper, in other words, render assistance if need be;


    5.1) The Investment Partner is fully empowered to identify investment ventures and commit the Investment Funds for investments wherein the Investment shall be fully secured and which shall return high rates of profit.

    5.2) The proposed investment ventures are of a private and confidential nature and therefore the parties actually conducting the investment transactions, the bank which will be holding funds for such investment purpose and all other details of the investment transactions shall remain confidential and proprietary to the investment Partner. Such confidential information shall only be divulged to the Investor.

    5.3) The propose investment ventures are subject to conditions prevailing in the world financial markets and are subject to control by various regulatory authorities. If for any reason beyond the control of the Investment Partner the Funds are not accepted for a particular investment venture, then the Investment Partner shall endeavor to arrange participation in alternative ventures. If such situations arise, they will be brought to the notice of the Investor at the appropriate time and alternative methods of investment will be mutually agreed.

    5.4) It is understood by both parties that from time the funds are received in the bank account designated by the Investment Partner, it may take Ninety (90) working days or more for the fund to participate in the proposed investment venture.


    6.1) This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain valid for a period of 6 (Six) years from the date of its execution, and may be renewed by mutual consent. The duration of the investment will commence immediately the investor receives the fund and shall remain valid for a period of six (6) years.

    6.2) Financial obligation, if any, will be settled mutually after the termination of this Memorandum of Understanding. In case there may be any such transactions are pending upon the termination of this Memorandum of Understanding, the Memorandum of Understanding shall hold good until those transaction are fulfilled.


    7.1) Each of the parties to this Memorandum of Understanding represents that it has full legal authority to execute this Memorandum of Understanding and that each party is to be bound by terms and conditions as set forth herein. Any modifications or changes to this Memorandum of Understanding shall be made only by mutual consent and in writing and executed by both parties, which shall be attached to the original Memorandum of Understanding as an addendum.

    7.2) This Memorandum of Understanding shall be binding on and insure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, administrators, companies, attorneys, and assigns.


    8.1) This Memorandum of Understanding shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the country in which any breach occurred, giving rise to dispute between the parties, at the option of the aggrieved party.

    8.2) In case of any disagreements or disputes arising out of this Memorandum of Understanding, the parties shall first try to settle them amicably, failing which the matter shall be referred to arbitration under rules of arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, France. The venue of arbitration shall be at the option of the aggrieved party.

    8.3) The decision of the arbitration shall be final, binding on the parties and shall be enforceable in any court of jurisdiction.

    8.4) Control & security of the loan funds, Investment Partner shall have full account and signatory power over the loan funds.

    The parties agree that the Memorandum of Understanding is private and confidential and neither the contents shall be divulged nor copies circulated to any third parties not involved in the transaction under this Memorandum of Understanding.

    All communications and notices relating to arising of this MOU shall be sent to the current address of the parties. A facsimile communication shall be considered original and binding.

    The Investor agrees, at its sole expense, to defend THE INVESTMENT PARTNER and against, and to indemnify and hold THE INVESTMENT PARTNER harmless from, any claims or suits by a third party against THE INVESTMENT PARTNER or any liabilities or judgments based thereon, either arising from THE INVESTMENT PARTNER’S performance of service for THE INVESTOR under this MOU or arising from any of THE INVESTOR’S action which result from THE INVESTMENT PARTNER performance of services under this INVESTMENT CONTRACT AGREEMENT.

    12) All words in this contract are singular, shall also include the plural and vice versa and words in the male gender shall also be construed in this MOU to include the female and neuter gender;

    13) This contract is made in two (2) copies, one (1) copy each to the two (2) parties, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same INVESTMENT CONTRACT AGREEMENT;

    14) That this agreement is consciously and willingly reached, signed and delivered between both parties as under-mentioned.



    (Date) ________ 2019



    (Date) __________2019
